Phillips Innovation Team, LLC (PhIT) provides a unique concept of Operations Management, Process Mapping / Re-Engineering / Improvement, Training & Development, and Product Development services in an innovative and collaborative way. We also combine the aspects of Marketing, Technical / Engineering, and People along the process for a more rounded approach.

Monday, January 26, 2009

So, Just What Kind of Training Does PhIT Do, Anyway?

People often ask us, "What kind of training do you do?"

The best response I can give is, "What kind of training do you need?"

That's not to be or sound funny, but that's what it really comes down to especially because all companies have different needs, circumstances, purpose, competencies, etc. If we were to offer a cookie-cutter approach to training, more than likely, you, as my client, aren't going to get what you really need. In this economy, getting a positive return on your training investment is more critical than ever.

Sure, there's standard training we can offer perhaps on Project Management, Technology Applications, Customer Service Techniques, Process Improvement, etc. We can even customize it to fit your company focus and/or purpose... "Customer Service for the Selling Environment", or "Project Management for Innovation Projects" or "IT Applications for the Business Professional", etc.

Let's consider your company though. Are you a "standard" Manufacturer with a "standard" product? Well, you might be. But, chances are, your process is as special as your product probably is. The same goes for a Retail Operation, an Interactive Agency, a Restaurant, a Software Company, etc.

For example, as a Manufacturer, let's take a scenario where you were routinely finding product defects, whether during an end-of-line audit or returned product, etc., would you want to provide training on "How to Get Your Employees to Work Harder"? You might, or you might consider some reasons first on why the defects are occuring. Some examples:
  • Employee turnover/morale/tardiness
  • Operation and/or training aids
  • Does the manufacturing process really reflect what's need
  • Is there an external defect
  • What type of manufacturing audit process are you using
  • Is there station/line/operations accountability and tracking
These are just a few of the areas PhIT considers when conducting an onsite assessment. Depending on your Industry, these will obviously be different and unique for you. The KEY message here is, highly focused training, and on specific business needs areas, provides the highest return on investment and company benefits. (View source A)

Additionally, a better training approach is one that identifies the strengths in your company and people as well as the challenges (or opportunities). And, implementing and conducting this in such a way that people feel accountable and empowered to do a better job, help the company identify problem areas and feel safe to raise questions, and one that rewards people for good performance that is measurable.

One of the unique capabilities of PhIT is that not only do we assess your situation and provide options (regardless if it's for training or otherwise), we also guide you through to the implementation and conduct a follow up to report on the improvements made. Also, if necessary, we design and deliver the training, content, materials, on-the-line aids, technical documentation, leadership reports, quality assessment and audit recommendations, etc.

The benefits of PhIT providing your "training" program include:

  • Increased employee awareness
  • Increased employee knowledge
  • Increased utilization of your company's and employee strengths
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced defects and waste
  • Improved quality (product and people)
  • Stronger competitive advantage

These benefits can be measured (and observed) in relation to return on your training investment. In addition to these indicators, studies around the world show the value, ROI, KBI, etc. that is a direct result of employee training regardless of Industry. ROI of 20% to even 250% are common when utilizing a focused training program targeting the operational or business need. (View source B)

Contact PhIT TODAY for an introductory onsite assessment. We'll provide you with our urgent findings and then you can decide what's critical to your business.

WWW.PhIT.BIZ or Chaeli@PhIT.BIZ (web) / Monique@PhIT.BIZ (sales)


A. Osterman, P 1994, ‘How common is workplace transformation and who adopts it?’ Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol.47, no.2, pp.173–188.
——1995, ‘Skill, training, and work organization in American establishments’, Industrial Relations, vol.34, no.2, pp.125–146.

B. Phillips, JJ 1991, ‘Measuring the return on HRD’, Employment Relations Today, Autumn, pp.329–342. —— (ed.) 1994, In action: Measuring return on investment, American Society for Training and Development, Alexandria.
—— 1997, Return on investment in training and performance improvement programs, Gulf Publishing, Houston.

National Association of Manufacturers 1994, The smart workplace: Developing high performance work systems, a report to the members of the National Association of Manufacturers.

Kostos, C 2000, ‘Demonstrating training’s impact on the bottom line’, Training and Development in Australia, vol.26, no.6, pp.2–3.

Kaplan, R & Norton, D 1992, ‘The balanced scorecard—Measures that drive performance’, Harvard Business Review, January–February, pp.71–79.
—— 1996, The balanced scorecard, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.